Cheese: The Family Favorite

Every family has a favorite cheese. A go-to cheese that is always part of the spread. The go-to cheese for my parents has evolved with the times. Early memories are filled with the staple, port-flavored cheddar out of a tub. We still like that. Then if it was a fancy occasion, a ball of cheddar…

Happy Holidays!

Eat good cheese. When possible try a new one or try THE BEST one. Rogue River Blue Cheese took top prize at the World Cheese Awards this year. It’s obviously delicious, even if you think you don’t like Blue cheese. I’m grateful this Thanksgiving to have found some. I bought this last huge (not cheap)…

Yummy Flavor Crystals

Have you ever bitten into a piece of cheese and tasted an odd little dry, salty, crunchy bit? Did you think, hmmm…is that supposed to be in there? Well, it is and in certain well produced and well aged cheeses, these white little crunchy pockets are not only normal, they are a sign of an…

It’s cheesy and I know it.

But it takes a village. It really does and I really do live in one. It’s called the Village of La Grange and it’s a stones throw from Chicago in the land of Lincoln (Illinois). I was reared here, then moved to the big city after college and then returned to raise my family. I started…

BFF’s: Wine + Cheese

Where do I begin?  You already know that wine and cheese go together. But what do you know about wine and Beer? Wine and spirits?  There are a ton of great pairings worth knowing about but those pairings, that others may LOVE, may not be your cup of tea. That’s why we do tastings and…

When’s the last time you tried a new cheese?

If you tend to avoid certain cheeses based on their appearance, then you are actually…pretty damn normal. Most people avoid things that they think they won’t like. It’s a core survival skill coded into our DNA to caution us away from eating something that might be poisonous.  But we’re not cave-people anymore. So, if you…